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  • Vision & Mission

To move towards new horizons of creating an intellectually competent, just, equitable, and harmonious society through quality education based on the principles of equality, justice, love, truth and peace, envisaging a holistic formation of the personality of the individual.


To facilitate young minds to evolve as men and women of character, competence, conscience, creativity and commitment and to achieve excellence in all spheres of human endeavour through relevant and quality education focusing on the right balance between curricular and co- curricular activities for their educational, social, cultural and moral development.


We, the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, following the example of our founder Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, consider education as the integral formation of the human person for the fulfillment of his/her individual and social responsibilities. Our educational endeavours aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable, who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace, and who are ever open to further growth. The secret of the success of our educational institutions is owed to a community of teachers who are committed to their vocation, professionally competent, morally upright, just and humane in dealings, culturally sensitive and who grow in the true vision of education. We aspire towards creating a just and humane society where dignity of the human person is respected, where unjust social structures are challenged, where our cultural heritage of ahimsa, religious harmony and national unity are upheld, and where the poor and the marginalized are specially taken care of. We have to reach out to the families, primarily of the students, to assist them in their needs, to share in their joys and sorrows, and to help them experience love and freedom so that the students realize that our educational institutions are an extension of their homes. Our institutions are open to all students irrespective of caste and creed; they are accepted and cherished as they are and are helped to grow in their cultural, social and religious traditions. As they are privileged to be in our institutions, they will also have the right to get acquainted with the person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Being institutions established and administered by and for a minority community based on religion, they will give preference to Christians in admissions and appointments and have a special concern for the faith formation of the Christian youth. Our institutions are also open to society at large by making their resources available for its ongoing education and growth. For the realization of this CMI goal of education, we invite students, parents and teachers to share this vision and to co-operate with us wholeheartedly.

We Strive...
  1. To accept, defend and promote the rights of children.
  2. To educate students to become active and responsible citizens.
  3. To avoid all aspects of a discipline that is coercive. Discipline is enforced with deprivations or ‘time out’.
  4. To foster a campus atmosphere that is relaxed, friendly and happy with a marked absence of fear.
  5. To create a systematic mixture of work ethic and high productivity.
  6. To enrich the curriculum in order to provide the overall development of children rather than remaining text book centric.
  7. To celebrate the cultural diversity of the school community.
  8. To accept the awakening of social consciousness as our educational responsibility, functioning with total openness and transparency.

BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD our students are moulded to be individuals who look to shining beacon to other people.


The school's emblem symbolizes the essence of the school and what it stands for. At the very centre is the insignia of the "Alpha and Omega" which translates to the "Beginning and End", which is Jesus Christ Himself. Thus, at the very centre of the school's existence is the Lord, who is the Light of the world, represented in the form of a flame. Near the flame is an open book which symbolizes knowledge and wisdom that are meant to be shared to others. The motto, "Be the Light of the World," placed below the book, necessarily indicates that to be the light of the world one must have the right knowledge and the wisdom of experience. Hence, the education offered by us to the children, emanates from the light of Christ, and therefore serves a ray of hope in the transformation of society.


  • Christ High School
  • Nowshera
  • Jammu and Kashmir - 185151
  • 01960230282, 9055009658

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